Gotta Get Better

Ugh. I’ve been feeling pretty good about getting focused on doing videos for all of you kind folks out there, but I have got to get better at getting blog posts up. I am a writer for goodness sakes. Well, not professionally yet, but give me time. It seems that I was meant to create things. I’ve spent over twenty five years of my life in the construction field building other people’s dreams while I just wanted to put food on the table for my family and postponing my plans. Truth be told, though, I didn’t really know what I wanted to do with my life when I was young. If I knew then what I know now, things may have been different.

I would have spent more time studying people, places and things. Knowledge is king when it comes to being creative and when you’re young, you don’t really have the real world experience that is needed to excel in storytelling. Some people get it early, but they are few and far between. In fact, I always loved photography and videography. I’ll never forget when my dad bought his first camcorder. Oh, man. That thing was cool for back then. I learned enough to be dangerous with it and do you want to guess what it was that I filmed? If you guessed Jeep videos in Moab, you get a gold star. Had I had the forethought to pursue that interest would my life have been different? Maybe.

My grandpa was a great storyteller and I had a great imagination. I could see it in my head as if I were the one that had lived it. Damn. I miss those stories. But, I also had a knack for stories and I like to put them on paper, or digital paper, I guess. I used to do it by hand, but that gets painful. I’ll still do it on occasion if I’m not near my laptop. Then I transfer it over and edit it while doing so. That’s a bright side believe it or not. But I love to write and I’m hopeful that I can do it for a living in the future. Building things is fun, but working for myself would be a dream come true.

This blog is meant to do a couple of things. First and foremost is to compliment the videos we put out. This is the place that we want to add in the tidbits that are helpful that I may have forgotten to put into the video. It happens more than I would like to admit, but sometimes it is on purpose. I like to keep the videos on the shorter side even if that means breaking things up a little. I do this because your time is valuable and many of us have short attention spans these days. The second reason is a way to get creative in a non-fiction type of way for me. As a fiction writer and reader I can be as creative as I want in the stories I tell. Here it is all facts, even the stories. This means I can play in all the sand boxes whenever I want. Also, it will be a place that Misty can connect with you all as well. She’s a little more camera shy, so why not write?

Anyway. That was a long winded way of saying that we’re going to get better at doing our blog posts. So stick with us folks.



2023 RV and Sportsman’s Expo